Common Misconceptions About Asphalt Pavement
Hoerr’s Blacktop & Sealcoating has seen and heard it all regarding asphalt, concrete and sealcoating. This being the case, we often run into potential clients interested in asphalt paving services but have reservations based on outdated or completely wrong information. These myths and misconceptions are sometimes the only reasons a property owner might avoid using asphalt pavement. However, Hoerr’s is here to dispel some false “facts” surrounding asphalt pavement. After reading our blog, you’ll have more confidence in asphalt and might be ready to invest in asphalt services for your own residence or business.
Myth 1: Asphalt pavement is bad for the environment.
We understand the concerns of many individuals and preserving our world’s rich ecosystems. Truthfully, asphalt pavement was considered a poor environmental choice not too long ago. However, in recent years, that has begun to change. In fact, quality asphalt has become significantly less toxic as new chemicals and materials have become part of pavement mixtures. Not to mention, asphalt plants have reduced their emissions and environmental footprints by utilizing recycled asphalt. It’d be fair to say that asphalt paving gets “greener” with each passing year.
Myth 2: It takes a lot of work to maintain asphalt pavement.
While some maintenance and care are required for asphalt, it’s not nearly as extensive as property owners think. Common issues like cracks or potholes don’t require pavement excavation to correct, and contractors can repair and restore pavement in hours. Unfortunately, most clients we see struggle with maintaining their asphalt opted for less-than-adequate installation in the first place, bringing us to our next myth.
Myth 3: Asphalt installation is simple.
Although Hoerr’s Blacktop might make asphalt paving look easy, the fact of the matter is it isn’t. Yet, this doesn’t stop countless DIYers from trying their hand at asphalt paving. Inevitably, these same people call Hoerr’s a year later when their pavement rapidly deteriorates! For such reasons, it’s best to have a professional who can handle asphalt paving from the start. Hoerr’s Blacktop possesses the experienced contractors and expensive equipment necessary to implement beautiful, safe and long-lasting pavement installation.
Myth 4: Asphalt surfaces are quick to deteriorate.
This misconception couldn’t be further from the truth. However, what is true is that neglecting an asphalt surface can cause it to break down quickly. Much like you would care for a vehicle to ensure it’s safe and operational, the same is necessary for asphalt. Although, as mentioned already, maintenance for asphalt is minimal and can be quickly and easily handled by professional contractors. With consistent crack repair, pothole patching, and sealcoating, you can see your pavement lasting 20 to 30 years.
Myth 5: Asphalt is expensive.
Depending on the size of the project, fresh asphalt paving might be a significant investment for your home or commercial property. However, such an investment is still more affordable than installing concrete pavement. Because asphalt is made from crushed rock, sand, gravel or recycled asphalt aggregate, material costs are much lower than concrete. Furthermore, unlike concrete pavement, asphalt is simpler to repair and maintain, reducing maintenance costs.

Myth 6: You don’t need to sealcoat your pavement.
If you don’t care how long your pavement lasts or the condition it inevitably ends up in without protection, you don’t need to worry about sealcoating. However, if you wish to protect your investment, you’ll want to protect your pavement. Asphalt pavement needs sealcoating, as it’s essential to asphalt maintenance and care. Thanks to sealcoating, you can extend the life of the pavement and refresh its color every few years.
Trust Hoerr’s for Peoria’s Best Asphalt Paving Services
Of all the myths busted by Hoerr’s, one thing is the truth: Hoerr’s Blacktop & Sealcoating offers the best asphalt paving, maintenance and repair services in the Greater Peoria area. If you want to test the validity of this claim yourself, contact our asphalt contractors today! Fill out our contact form or reach us directly by calling 309-228-9283.